Soviet VDV Assault Trooper
Firing SA-7 “Grail” SAM
Lincoln County Line
Reviewed by Terry Ashley
FirstLook |
figure represents a Soviet VDV Assault Trooper with a SA-7 SAM in firing
position and wears a Russian style full flak jacket and helmet.
Consisting of five parts in light cream resin, the quality of the casting
is first class save for some minor seam lines on the inside of the legs
which are easily cleaned up.
The main torso and legs are in one piece with separate arms, head with
helmet and small weapons pack. The left arm is cast integrally with the
SA-7 for a good ‘sit’ but care is required when removing the casting plugs
from the missile to avoid damage.
The fabric folds in the fatigues are quite convincing and simple but
effective facial features makes this is a nice figure of an unusual
subject and easy to assemble and paint.
Thanks to Warriors for the review sample
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