Decals for Canadian Shermans Ultracast
Reviewed by Brett Green
Given the recent boom in decal releases for aircraft, it is perhaps surprising that we have not seen more armour markings available from the major decal manufacturers. Armour modellers have been flooded with new kits but starved of markings. Even kit markings are pretty lame. After-market choice has been limited to a small range from Accurate Armour and a number of rub-downs from Verlinden. It is therefore nice to see that Ultracast have expanded their line with a new range of water-slide decals. The theme for the first batch of releases is Canadian Shermans. Each small decal sheet covers a single regiment. Three sets of serials plus four pairs of brigade/regimental and squadron markings (squares, circles, triangles and diamonds in one colour per set) are included, as are weight discs (for both standard Sherman and Firefly) and two Allied stars. Units covered are:
All markings are relevant to Shermans in North-Western Europe 1944/45. Registration of all my samples are perfect, and the colours well saturated. I would have liked to see some direction to references for particular vehicles, but I'll do some research and post information here on HyperScale in the near future. These decals will permit modellers of Commonwealth vehicles to add an attractive finishing touch to their Shermans. The timing of this release is good too, with DML/Dragon re-releasing their "improved" Firelfly! These decals sets are available at Ultracasts ever-growing web-site. Highly Recommended
(P.S. We've seen some new armour decals from Third Group and some Eastern European producers recently too - let's hope this is the start of a trend!) Thanks to Kevin at Ultracast for the review samples. Review Copyright © 1999 by Brett