Reviewed by Brett Green
This batch includes WWII helmets representing French, Italian and British Mk III styles. Each set includes five of the appropriate subject. As to be expected with Ultracast's products, these helmets are beautifully cast in pale yellow resin. The British and Italian sets contain five identical helmets, but the French helmets have four identical and a single rogue item with a strap across the front. The French helmets are supplied loose, with no casting block or cleanup required. The Italian and British helmets are connected to a resin block via a thin wafer of material. The helmets may be snapped off and cleaned up with a sharp knife. The liner detail is very well done. Two tiny length of foil or paper as chinstraps will complete the illusion for your diorama needs. It is great to see these less conventional subjects treated to Ultracast's high production values. These helmet sets are a must for anyone contemplating building French or Italian armour or dioramas in particular. Recommended. You may view these and other products including photos at Ultracast's Web Site. Thanks to Kevin at Ultracast for the review samples. Review Copyright © 2000 by Brett