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British Tank Crew Figures

(Relaxed Poses)




S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number, Description and Price: 35035 - Canadian/British Tank Crewman Europe 1943-1945 @USD$9.95
35036 - Canadian/British Tank Crewman Europe 1943-1945 @USD$9.95
35035 - Canadian/British Tank Commander Europe - Late 1944-45 @USD$9.95

Add shipping and handling to above: USD$4.00 in North America

Scale: 1/35
Contents and Media: 35035 and 35036 - four parts cream-coloured resin.
35037 - five parts cream-coloured resin.
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Convincing relaxed stature; generic poses for many vehicles and structures; beautiful casting; open eyes!
Recommendation: Highly Recommended.


Reviewed by Brett Green

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com


F i r s t   L o o k


Ultracast has championed the cause of Commonwealth tank figures over the last five years or so. Their latest three individual figures continue this theme.

The figures share a number of common characteristics. They are all in relaxed poses, they are all depicted as tankers in North-Western Europe and they all have their eyes wide open! The faces of most of Ultracast's earlier releases are squinting - easier to paint but the variety of open eyes is welcome.

Casting of all the figures is perfect. The figures are attached to their casting blocks via thin slices of resin that will be very simple to remove and clean-up.


35025 Canadian/British Tank Crewman Europe - 1943-1945

This figure is standing, resting against a wall or a vehicle, with his legs crossed and optional right arms. One option is holding a cigarette and, for modellers concerned about the health of the figure's small resin lungs, the alternate arm holds a mug, no doubt full of tea.

The figure wears battledress with a leather jerkin and the tanker's beret.



35026 Canadian/
British Tank Crewman
Europe - 1943-1945

This figure is seated with one leg raised and his arm casually draped across his knee.


35025 Canadian/British Tank Commander
Europe - Late 1944-1945

This figure is seated on the rim of a tank cupola. One arm rests on the hatch and the other holds a cigarette. The figure is distinguishable as "Late 1944-45" by his cold-weather Pixie Suit.









These three new releases will be warmly welcomed by Commonwealth vehicle and figure modellers.

Highly Recommended


Thanks to Kevin at Ultracast for the review samples.

The full catalogue of Ultracast accessories, conversions and figures may be viewed and purchased at Ultracast's Web Site.

Review Copyright © 2002 by Brett Green
Images Courtesy Ultracast Website
Page Created 03 March, 2002
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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