British Heads
WWII Ultracast
Reviewed by Brett Green
Knowing Ultracast's ongoing commitment to Commonwealth WWII figures, it was logical that we would eventually see heads with Officer's caps. We have now been rewarded with this great little set. Five individual heads are supplied. Expressions are varied and natural. I particularly like the officer (probably a WO by the look of him!) shouting enthusiastically. The caps have been carefully individualised by their drape and angle. In common with their earlier releases there are no imperfections or flash on my samples, and casting connections are limited to a thin strip that will easily be removed using a sharp hobby knife. Although the set is labelled "British Heads WWII", they will be equally applicable to any Commonwealth forces through WWII to Korea and beyond.
This versatile set will be of great value to any modellers of WWII British Commonwealth figures or armoured vehicles. Highly recommended. You may view these and other products including photos at Ultracast's Web Site. Thanks to Kevin at Ultracast for the review samples. Review Copyright © 2000 by Brett