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"The Rescue"


Lincoln County Line
(A Division of the VLS Corporation)


S u m m a r y

Catalogue No. & Description Item LC0005
Price: USD$24.95
Contents and Media: 11 pieces in yellow resin
Scale: 1/35
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Clever sculpting; amazingly simple parts breakdown makes it ideal for beginner figure modellers; the pose tells a clear and compact story; excellent quality casting; very nice partial KV-2 turret
Disadvantages: Only partial turret supplied
Recommendation: Recommended 


Reviewed by Brett Green




"Lincoln County Line" is the new budget brand of figures and accessories from VLS.

"The Rescue" is one of the first offerings in this line. It is a resin vignette.

The set tells a clear and compact story. A Red Army medic is struggling to lift a wounded comrade from the turret of a crippled KV-2. The medic strains to hold the weight of the tank crewman while shouting for help.

The resin set supplies both figures and a substantial chunk of the KV-2 turret as a very impressive base.

VLS has decided to make this set as simple as possible. In a very clever piece of casting, the body and arms of the medic are cast onto the entire figure (minus boots) of the wounded crewman. Only five resin pieces are required to assemble both figures, and I would suggest that two of those parts are not really required. The two individual boots of the wounded soldier will be hardly visible anyway, and may interfere with fit. The simple precaution would be to leave them off!

Around 3/4 of the KV-2 turret is supplied as a base. It is a shame that the whole turret was not made available. There would have been  lots of interesting possibilities combined with a 1/35 scale KV chassis.

The turret comprises six parts in yellow resin. The main casting is impressive. The heavy cast texture, weld seams and recessed bolts are all very well done. In common with the rest of the resin parts, there are no casting imperfections evident at all. The turret is solid, but the a hollowed-out cylinder around 15mm deep is cast under the hatch to accommodate the wounded crew member. The minor parts include the 152mm howitzer barrel, the hatch itself and the fittings. The modeller is left to source wire for the grab-handles / ladder on the turret wall and roof, but locating holes are thoughtfully provided.



No instructions are supplied, but the colour box art will provide sufficient information for assembly and painting.




The simplicity of Lincoln County Line's "The Rescue" makes it ideal for modellers new to figures and/or dioramas. The dramatic subject matter and impressive base add to its appeal.


Thanks to VLS for the review samples

These and other VLS products may be viewed at the VLS Website

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Review Copyright © 2002 by Brett Green
Page Created 22 June, 2002
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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