available online from
S u m m a r y |
Description, Item Number
and Price: |
#35002 European
Theater Cobblestone Section - $12.00 USD
#35003 European Theater Sidewalk Section - $12.00 USD
#35004 Kubelwagen Radio Car (Type 821) - $18.00 USD |
Contents and Media: |
See text below |
Scale: |
1/35 |
Review Type: |
FirstLook |
Advantages: |
Ex |
Disadvantages: |
So |
Recommendation: |
Recommended |
Reviewed by Michael Benolkin
35002 European Theater Cobblestone Section
35003 European Theater Sidewalk Section
The first two items in Tiger Werke's accessory line are #35002 European
Theater Cobblestone (Street) Section (left) and #35003 European Theater Sidewalk
Section (right).
The Cobblestone Street Section measures approximately 9.5" x 4.3" and is cast
from light tan colored resin, complete with a separate manhole cover (which
offers some interesting diorama possibilities). The accompanying photo has been
contrast-altered to look darker in order to reveal some of the great detail cast
into this section.

The Cobblestone Sidewalk Section measures approximately 9 x 2.75" and is also
cast from light tan colored resin. As you can see in the accompanying photo,
this too has been contrast-altered to look darker in order to reveal some of the
great detail cast into this section. This section also includes a gutter with
two sewer drains. Nicely done!

These two resin sections can be useful as a simple display base for your vehicle
or figures, and are ideal as the foundation for a diorama or vignette.
35004 Kubelwagen Radio Car (Type 821)
The next item in Tiger Werke's detail accessory line-up is #35004, Kubelwagen
Radio Car (Type 821). This set consists of 12 finely cast resin parts that will
replace half of the rear seat area of your 1/35 Kubelwagen with the radio mount,
radio equipment and antenna mount for this versatile Wehrmacht communications

This set is extremely simple in its assembly and installation, yet it
provides a variation of the Kubelwagen that you probably haven't seen at any
contest (yet). This communications vehicle would look perfect parked next to a
Flak battery or a alongside a Tiger tank. The possibilities are endless, but the
availability of this set is very limited!
My sincere thanks to Tiger Werke for these review samples!
As I understand it, each Tiger Werke set will only be produced in limited
quantities (around 300) and then will no longer be available. At present, the
only source for Tiger Werke kits and accessories is:
D&V Selections USA
PO Box 623
Rowlesburg WV 26425
(304) 454-2400 (voice)
(304) 454-2022 (fax)
DVselections@aol.com (email)
Their website ( www.tigerwerke.com ) was not yet online at the time of this
writing, but was anticipated to be online soon.
These sets are of the same high quality as their Black Box lineup and are highly
recommended to all armor modelers that possess the basic skills for working with
resin parts.
Review Copyright © 2002 by
Michael Benolkin
This Page Created on 06 September, 2002
Last updated 22 July, 2003
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