Spitfire Vc / Seafire III

u m m a r y
Catalogue Number: |
05110 |
Scale: |
1/48 |
Contents and Media: |
Modification of Airfix 1/48 Spitfire
Vb/Vb trop with additional sprues |
Price: |
AUD$25 (approx. USD$14) |
Review Type: |
FirstLook |
Advantages: |
Lots of options and spare parts;
first standard injection moulded Vc available; four marking options;
engraved panel lines on new parts; great value for money. |
Disadvantages: |
Based on 1979 Vb kit with raised
panel lines on fuselage (panel line mismatch); thick sprue connectors;
positionable flaps not helpful |
Recommendation: |
Recommended |
Reviewed by Richard Brodie

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Airfix’s mid 2002 release of Seafire Vc/Seafire L.III is the first
release by any mainstream manufacturer of an injected styrene kit of the
Spitfire Vc and Merlin engined Seafire. The mainstream manufacturer’s
preference for many obscure and less deserving aircraft for kit subjects
is somewhat surprising since no less than 4,298 examples of the Seafire Vc/Seafire
were built or converted during WW2, seeing combat in every theatre of war
by many Air Forces and Navies.
The Spitfire is one of the all time greats and I don’t want to rehash
its history all over again as most modellers are familiar with it.
Briefly, the Spitfire Vc was introduced in late 1941. Compared to the
Spitfire Vb, it featured a redesigned and strengthened airframe and other
refinements plus the “universal” or “c” wing which had provision to
accommodate 4 x 20mm cannon or 2 x 20mm cannon and 4 x 0.303” mg.
Comparatively few were fitted with the 4 x 20mm cannon armament as the
extra cannon imposed stresses on the wing . Instead, the extra space in
the cannon bay was used to double the ammo for the 2 x 20mm cannon. As
designed, it could also accommodate 8 x 0.303” mg but this feature was
dropped from production aircraft. For the purists, the undercarriage legs
of the Vc sloped forward 2’ further than the earlier versions. The
Spitfire Vc saw widespread overseas service from 1942 onwards, forming the
bulk of the Spitfires assigned to the defence of Malta. They also saw
extensive service with the Desert Air Force in the North African, Italian
and Balkans campaign. It also served with 5 RAF South East Asia Command
Squadrons in the India-Burma theatre while nearly 250 were supplied to the
RAAF for service in the defence of Northern Australia and operations in
New Guinea and the South West Pacific. The USAAF was also a major user
through reverse Lend Lease in North Africa and the Mediterranean theatre
of operations (reference Ventura Classic Warbirs # 3 and 4, American
Spitfire Camouflage and Markings Parts 1 and 2). Spitfire Vcs were also
supplied to allied air arms including the Armee de’l Air, Italian
Co-Belligerent Air Force, Yugoslav Partisan Air Force, Royal Hellenic Air
Force, Turkish Air Force, Portuguese Air Force (a few) and Royal Egyptian
Air Force. 2, 467 Spitfire Vc’s were built, 478 by Supermarine, 1,494 by
Castle Bromwich Aircraft Factory and 495 by Westland.
The Seafire went a long way towards reducing the Royal Navy’s shortage of
modern fighters although it was not very well suited for carrier
operations. The Seafire IB and IIc entered service in June 1942. The
Seafire IB’s were conversions from existing Spitfire Vb airframes. 112
were converted plus 48 “hooked” Spitfires. The Seafire IIc were not
conversions but built as such and were the naval equivalent of the
Spitfire Vc. 402 Seafire IIc’s were built. Both versions did not have
folding wings. Since naval combat occurred at lower altitudes, most were
built or later converted from F to L versions with RR Merlin 32 (4-blade
prop) or RR Merlin 55M (3-blade prop) and the modeller will need to refer
to actual photos to verify this point. The Seafire III was a major
improvement as it featured manually folding and cleaner type “c” wings
with the outboard cannon bays removed and a more streamlined Vokes Aerovee
tropical filter. 100 were built as F.III’s with RR Merlin 55 engines. The
rest were built as L.III’s or LR. III’s with RR Merlin 32 or 55M engines.
All had 4-blade props.
The Seafire saw extensive service in the North Sea, Mediterranean and
Pacific as well as acting as gunnery spotting aircraft for the naval
bombardment off the Normandy beaches. Post WW2, it was also operated by
the RCN (pending delivery of the Seafire XV), Aeronavale (including combat
operations over Indo China making it a Vietnam War participant!) and in
denavalised form by the Irish Air Corps.
Airfix 1/48
Scale Spitfire Vc / Seafire III
This Series 5 kit is a modification of Airfix’s 1/48 Spitfire Vb/Vb
trop which was first issued in December 1979 as kit # 4100-1. It retains
all the existing Spitfire Vb/Vb trop parts moulded in light grey styrene
plus four new sprues moulded in a slightly darker grey styrene containing
44 additional parts for the Spitfire Vc and Seafire L.III.
New Sprues - click
thumbnails below to view larger images:
This kit represents great value for the price, since the retention of
the existing Spitfire Vb/Vb trop parts means that with the appropriate
decal sheets and some minor surgery in the case of the recce versions, we
can also make the Spitfire Vb, Seafire F.Ib, Seafire F.IIc, Seafire L.IIc,
Seafire LR.IIc, Seafire F.III and Seafire LR.III. Incidentally, all
Seafire III’s had a “c” wing so the “c” suffix is usually deleted.
The four new sprues feature recessed panel lines using the spark erosion
process (reputedly in China). Compared to the original Spitfire Vb, the
sprue runners are massive - more akin to that from some limited run
injection kit manufacturers - and the sprue attachment points are quite
substantial on a number of parts, requiring care with a pair of snippers
or a heavy duty craft knife to remove them. However, once removed, the fit
of the new parts are better than that of the original Spitfire Vb/Vb trop.
The new parts comprise a complete Vc wing (with inverted gull wing root
shape). Airfix continues its love affair with separate flaps as per their
Spitfire Mk 22/24 and Seafire 46/47. This is a little unfortunate as
Spitfires/Seafire flaps could not be partially lowered and were not
normally seen on the ground with extended flaps. This means that some
sanding of the interior detail of the flaps is required to get a better
flush fit with the wing. Having said this, Seafires, especially those
operating from the smaller decks of escort carriers, usually had small
blocks of wood shaped into 230 wedges inserted into their flaps to lower
their flaps by 2” to provide additional lift when taking off. The wedges
simply fell off once the flaps were fully extended in the air. We can
therefore legitimately display Seafires with their flaps slightly lowered.
Optional gun panels are provided with narrow and wide blisters plus four
versions of wing tips – the normal span, the production clipped wing, and
the more rounded (wooden) clipped wing and the extended high flying wing
produced by the RAF Maintenance Units in the Middle East (Egypt). An
Aboukir filter and chin is also provided in addition to the normal
European filter and chin /Vokes filter and chin and the from the Spitfire
Vb/Vb trop.
Other parts include a new spinner and four-blade propeller, A-frame
arrestor hook, strengthened undercarriage legs, disc wheels, six stack
exhaust and longer carburettor with Vokes Aerovee filter for the Seafire
III and four 20mm cannon barrels (which are much nicer than the cannon
barrels from the Spitfire Vb). The Spitfire Vb fuselage has been modified
internally to provide guides for cutting out the housing for the A-frame
arrestor hook.
Not included are the spigots for the catapult spools and fuselage
strengthening plates. However, these should not be difficult to fabricate
for the average modeller and are in the case of the fuselage strengthening
plates, are beyond current injection moulding capabilities. The tailplanes
from the existing Spitfire Vb will have to be used. These lack the
enlarged elevator horns normally seen on the Spitfire Vc/Seafire III but
are easily fixed by engraving a new hinge line and puttying off the old
hinge line. The foregoing omissions are not pointed out in the
instructions. The instructions indicate that straight lines should be
engraved by the modeller to simulate the wing fold for the Seafire III.
This is wrong as the main hinge line for the Seafire III on the upper wing
surface is not straight but has a small semi circle curved outwards in the
centre of the wing above the wheel wells.
Box art is good and shows a Seafire L.III of Sqn, FAA approaching HMS
Indefatigable in August1945.
An extensive decal sheet is provided, far superior to that in the original
Spitfire Vb. Apart from better coverage of the common markings seen on
Spitfires, the decals cover the following:
Vc of 79 Sqn RAAF, Merauke, New Guinea,
pacific Theatre, October 1944 in RAAF foliage green /sky blue camo with
Vokes tropical filter and standard wing tips. Armament is the usual 2 x
20mm cannon and 4 x 0.303” mg. Expert opinion expressed in the Camouflage
and Markings Pacific Spitfires website (http://spitfirecmraaf.tripod.com/)
is that the markings are not accurate.
Vc of 2 Sqn, 7 Wing, SAAF, Sicily, 1944 in
dark earth/mid stone/azure blue camo with Vokes tropical filter, standard
wing tips and the rare 4 x 20mm cannon armament.
Vc of the Special Duties Flight, 103
Maintenance Unit, RAF, Aboukir, Egypt, September 1942. This represents one
of the aircraft modified by 103 MU into a high flying interceptor to
counter the high flying Ju 86P recce aircraft which were up to then flying
over the Nile Delta and Suez Canal with impunity. This aircraft has
locally fabricated extended wing tips, 2 x 0.5” mg armament and a
four-blade prop. Camo is dark earth/mid stone/azure blue camo with
aluminium to simulate bare metal along panel lines where the seams were
smoothed over with putty and polished to streamline the aircraft. This
aircraft is also illustrated as colour profile #40 (a very poor one) on
pg. 42 of the Osprey Aircraft of the Aces # 16 Spitfire Mk V Aces 1941-45
raising the question whether the bare metal should be a dark grey colour.
These extemporized Spitfire HF.Vc’s performed much better than the
pressurised Spitfire HF.VI’s specifically designed for the role of high
altitude fighter and available from Hasegawa as kit # 9507 (JT17). These
aircraft had their radios removed to lighten them so the aerial mast
should be omitted. This is not called out in the instructions.
Seafire L.III of 887 NAS, FAA, HMS
Indefatigable, BPF, August 1945 with Temperate Sea camo of extra dark sea
grey/ dark slate grey/sky.

For the record, the parts from the Spitfire Vb/Vb trop comprises 53
parts, 48 molded in gray styrene and 5 transparencies. Cockpit detail is
fair although it is arguable the raised ribwork and stringers are somewhat
over emphasized. For its time (1979), interior detail was quite good, and
certainly not based on the Otaki Spitfire VIII as claimed by some. Put the
two fuselages together and you will see what I mean. There is a separate
side access hatch. The front bulkhead does not have the lightening holes
but nothing a drill can’t fix. The gunsight is in clear styrene. The fully
blown sliding hood is integral with the rear cockpit clear section. A good
pilot figure in European uniform is included although smaller overall
compared to Tamiya’s pilot figures. The “B” wing is normal span without a
“clipped” wing option or the later strengthening ribs over the wheel
wells. The undercarriage is correctly sized with 5-spoked wheel hubs.
Optional parts include two types of windscreens, the earlier version with
external armoured glass, and the later version with internal armoured
glass. A Vokes filter and deeper radiator is provided for the tropical
version. Airfix engineers claim that tropical Spitfires had a slightly
enlarged radiator which was a few inches deeper resulting in increased
frontal area but this is not mentioned in the Pilot’s notes or included in
any of the later Tamigawa versions. Undercarriage cover plates are also
included if you prefer to model it with “undercarriage up”.
Original Mk. Vb
Sprues - click thumbnails below to view larger images:
As mentioned before, Seafires F.Ib, F.IIc, L.IIc, LR.IIc, F.III and
LR.III are also possible although not mentioned in the instructions and
you don’t have to worry about scribing the wing fold lines for the
Seafires I and II. If nothing else, the current availability of Aeromaster
decal sheets 48- 441 to 48-443, Supermarine Seafires Parts I to III should
tempt the Spitfire/Seafire aficionado to ring out the options.
When building Spitfire Vc’s, the availability of spare A-frame arrestor
hooks simplifies conversion of Spitfire Vb kits to the Seafire Ib and of
the Hobbycraft Seafire XV to the earlier A-frame arrestor hook version
used by the Royal Navy, Royal Canadian Navy and Aeronavale. Decal sheets
for the latter are available from Ventura (V4875) and Carpena. As a tip,
if you are planning on building Spitfire Vc’s and have a stash of old
Airfix Spitfire Vbs (these are often available at reasonable prices at
swop meets), you should consider using the fuselages from the older kits
with the new Vc wings to make your Spitfire Vc’s and save the fuselages
from the new kit to use for Seafire Ib conversions since these fuselages
are already scored inside and will simplify opening up the A-frame
arrestor hook housing.
The availability of the Vc wing simplifies conversion to the Spitfire XII
(both early production with fixed tailwheel or later production with
retractable tailwheel) which was essentially a Spitfire Vc with a Griffon
engine. Conversions can either utilise the nose from the Spifire XII
fuselage from the Falcon Spitfire XI, XII and XVI triple conversion set or
by cross kitting the fuselage from the Hobbycraft Seafire XV, fabricating
the additional bulge above the engine and fitting a replacement rudder
(widely available from the ICM kits). I have test fitted the Airfix Vc
wing to the Hobbycraft fuselage and yes, folks, it is possible with some
modification work to the wing roots.
It would have been preferable to have an all-new kit but the Airfix
Spitfire Vb, despite its age, has always been one of the most accurate
Spitfires with regard to outline and the new parts do nothing to detract
from it. Some modellers may object to the raised panel lines on the older
parts but there is nothing to stop them sanding them off and rescribing
them. The Airfix Spitfire Vb comprised a mix of recessed and raised panel
lines. In any case, the raised panel lines are very fine and not really
objectionable (to me anyway). The options provided in this kit are
excellent, so much so that some are unused such as the two different sets
of clipped wing tips (perhaps pointing the way to other issues in new
boxes a la Hasegawa). One is left with an embarrassment of high quality
spare parts that can be used on other Spitfire kits.
No less than 4,298 examples, of the Seafire Vc/Seafire were built or
converted during WW2 and extensively used in combat all over the various
theatres of WW2 by a large number of Air Forces and Navies. Compare that
to some of the Luftwaffe ’46 subjects kitted or more obscure “limited
edition” subjects with less than distinguished service histories and you
wonder why it took so long for it to materialise. Best of all, it just
might inspire Tamigawa to dust off their Spitfire Vb moulds and do an
Airfix. Let’s just hope Tamigawa doesn’t take 23 years to do so. For once,
Airfix is leading the way.
I have started on the first of 5 Spitfire Vc kits I bought from Snowy
Mountain Models and so far, am very happy with it.
To sum up, a wonderful value for money kit and long overdue.
Review and Images Copyright © 2002 by
Richard Brodie
Page Created 19 July, 2002
Last updated 22 July, 2003
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