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T48 Rubber Chevron Tracks 
for M4 Series Tanks; 
T54E1 Steel Chevron Tracks 
for M4 Series Tanks

RHPS Models


S u m m a r y

Stock Number, Contents and Price: RHPS Models 1/35 Scale Accessories No. T48; T48 Rubber Chevron Tracks for M4 Series Tanks; 540 parts in grey styrene; Price $19.95 retail; No. T54; T54E1 Steel Chevron Tracks for M4 Series Tanks; 540 parts in grey styrene; Price $18.95 retail
Scale: 1/35
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: First working track kit of these types of track in styrene
Disadvantages: Some depressions in link faces require minor filling and sanding
Recommendation: Highly Recommended for use on any M3 or M4 series vehicle using these types of track


Reviewed by Cookie Sewell


F i r s t   L o o k

I was personally very happy last year when RHPS introduced their T49 and T51 track sets, and having put three sets of DML's T48 track together over the past 18 months was hoping that they would have their T48 set done for the AMPS 2000 show. They did, and it is worth the weight.

After their initial release tracks, RHPS changed the design of their tracks to use a similar system to that marketed by AFV Club with their T107 and T142 tracks. In this system the tracks simply snap together with two end connectors sliding over long end pins on each link, until a long enough length is created for a track run. Assembly is fast and simple, and the hardest part of assembly is cutting them off the sprues and cleanup.

While the T48 track is well-known and highly desired (they sold out of the items brought to AMPS 2000 very quickly), the T54E1 track is not as well known. However, photographs show it to be more common than the later T62 steel chevron track. The difference is that there are small gaps on either side of the T54E1 (actually spacers) and none on the T62. The T62 track is provided in the old Tamiya M4A3 kit.

Overall, this is a good deal and one which will please many modelers; this is particularly so now that a number of new kits with the popular M3/M4 suspension are coming out like the Academy M12 and the AFV Club M10.

RHPS Models accepts direct orders. Their address is PO Box 906, Massillon, Ohio, 44648 or telephone (330) 837-1031. Shipping is $4.50 per order for $10-50, $7.50 for $50 and up for UPS, or all orders can be sent via USPS postage paid (i.e. free shipping within the continental US). Also available are T49 three block cleat and T51 non-reversible rubber block sets at $17.95 each.

Cookie Sewell AMPS

Review Copyright © 2000 by Cookie Sewell
Page Created 19 June, 2000
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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