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RAN Great White Shark
50th Anniversary 
Sea King Decals



Model Alliance 
(Hawkeye Models Australia)


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: RAN-07 Decal Set
Scale: 1/72 and 1/48
Contents and Media: Four decal sheets, one masking sheet and three pages of drawings.
Price: $12 AUD (1/72) and $15 AUD (1/48) plus GST and postage
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: A very colourful subject that will be catch your eye in any collection.
Disadvantages: Decals may need additional care when applying - read the instructions!
Recommendation: Highly recommended to anyone who is into naval or colourful aviation subjects.

Reviewed by Ryan Hamilton




This Sea King is a very colourful subject. With its Navy flag draped across the nose and down the fuselage, and its blue rear with the image of a great white shark, it is truly an eye catcher.

The decals come with four sheets. This includes a standard colour sheet with the flag, shark, navy markings, and black panelling. The next sheet contains white backing decals, which are to be applied under many of the coloured decals to ensure the colour is not lost with the backing colour. The third sheet, much smaller, contains stencilling data. Note that stencilling which appears on the artwork is printed on the artwork. Finally a single roundel is included for the under side, which is not included on the main decals sheet due to a lack of room.



The masking stencil is a welcome inclusion as it ensures that the decals, especially the flag fit perfectly.

The plans illustrate a double page of coloured drawings, and a black and white page with just the data location. The page also includes a list of instruction for Hawkeye's Decals, which should be read very carefully. These decals are not like normal decals. They are not sealed, which will prevent yellowing or cracking. The decals are not individual, and hence, have to be individually cut out. This requires care, especially with smaller stencilling.

Click the thumbnails below to view the images full-sized


A conversion kit is also available, which includes the best-moulded sand filter box I have seen.

Special thanks need to be given to Tony Gallen and the members of 817Sqn, who without, a set of decals like this would not be available to model.

Highly Recommended

Hawkeye Models Australia contact details are:

     Steve Evans
     Hawkeye Models Australia,
     6 Amaroo Close
     Blue Haven NSW 2262

     Phone - 0011 61 4390 8463

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Review Copyright © 2001 by Ryan Hamilton
Page Created 08 May, 2001
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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