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Reggiane RE 2000
Falco, Hejia, J.20





IBN Editore


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Numbers: TBA
Scale: TBA
Contents and Media: TBA
Price: TBA
Review Type: Preview
Advantages: TBA
Disadvantages: TBA
Recommendation: TBA


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Here is a preview of the next book in the Aviolibri series, "Reggiane RE 2000", by Maurizio Di Terlizzi.

This is the 6th title in the Aviolibris Special Series and Maurizio's tenth title.

The book will focus on modeling the Classic Airframes RE 2000's kit, and technical aspect, with three-view drawings, 6 colour profiles and step-by-step building guide.



Coverage of the history of this plane in Italian, Hungarian and Swedish service will round out the contents.

A full review will be available in the coming weeks

Thanks to Maurizio Di Terlizzi for the preview pictures

Text Copyright © 2002 by Brett Green
Images Copyright by © Aviolibri
Page Created 30 May, 2002
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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