How many times have you looked into the cockpit of a 1/48
Scale F-4 and noticed that the modeler has gone to the trouble of
replacing the kit seats with after-market resin seats so that his model
will be just that little bit different from everyone else's? Plenty of
times right but there is another thing that you notice as well. Yep,
that's right, the belts and straps on both seats are identical!
Well, Cutting Edge comes to the rescue with their set CEC48176 and
provides you with two beautifully cast resin Martin Baker H5 Ejection
Seats. The set consists of the two seats complete with separate the
overhead and between the legs ejection handles. The set is cast in Cutting
Edge's now familiar mid-grey colour resin and is superbly cast with
absolutely no pinholes. The set is packed in a small ziploc plastic bag,
which is stapled to a cardboard header.
So, all you need to do is find yourself some after-market buckles and
some lead foil and you are well on your way to completing an F-4 that will
be truly unique. Heartily recommended for all Phantom fans.
Thanks to Meteor
Productions for the review sample.