Panzerwaffe Part 1"
Book Reviewed by Ian Sadler
Printed in a softbound book to A4 size on very good quality gloss paper, the language is in Polish but the captions to the very high quality photographs are bilingual. The book is split into the following sections Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Finland covering all the WW 2 battles on the Eastern Front. Most of the main battle tanks used in these countries are covered also a smattering of armoured cars and Armoured trains. It is the quality of the photographs that lifts this book out of the ordinary and makes up for the lack of English text in the historical narrative. A great many of the photographs have not been seen before and these add to our knowledge greatly of East European Armour in WW2. Some of the photographs in my opinion should have been published in a larger format, 5 to a page is too many and I do not like the way they are cut into each other or overlap. On the plus side a very good many of the photographs show the crews in combat uniforms and this will help the figure painters. With 141 black and white photographs and 41 colour illustrations and 3 colour photographs on the end cover. This book represents very good value and deserves a place on all Russian / Eastern European Model makers reference selves. It will give many hours of enjoyment now and will I am certain influence a great deal of models and dioramas. My final comment is to all foreign publishers: why still publish in a negative language. English is the international language of model makers the world over. The sales of book like these would in my opinion quadruple if published in English. It is after all a shrinking world as far as publication is concerned. Go out and buy one now. I look forward to part 2.
Ian Sadler - IPMS (UK) Armour TAS Leader Review Copyright © 1999 by Ian