P-40E Short Tail and P-40F/L Long Tail
Conversions for AMT Kits

P.S. Model Parts

Catalogue No.: PS-01 (P-40F/L) and PS-02 (P-40E)
Scale: 1/48
Media: Resin
Review Type: In-Bag
Rating: Recommended

Reviewed by Brett Green

S u m m a r y

One resin piece each
Price: US$5.00 each
Advantages: Accurate, subtle detail, almost no cleanup, thoughful planning with casting block slotting into kit fuselage, positive locaters for kit horizontal tail parts and tailwheel, no more cutting than required for standard kit (for P-40E conversion), inexpensive
Disadvantages: Rudder moulded as one part with tail, a little trimming/filling may be required.
Recommendation: Simple conversion to add a few interesting and colourful variants for P-40 fans.


F i r s t   L o o k


There has been a flurry of P-40 releases in 1/48 scale over the last few years. It is therefore perhaps surprising that the old Revell kit and the ARII/Otaki kits are still the only options for a P-40E. The Revell kit has a very nice outline and fine raised detail, but a typically sparse cockpit, while the ARII/Otaki kit has some scale and outline problems - and about a million engraved "rivets"!

PS Models have produced two P-40 conversion kits for AMT P-40 kits. The first is a short tail for a P-40E. This is designed for the AMT P-40K. The resin conversion addresses the weakest area of this kit - the AMT's big "K" tail looks very odd indeed.

The replacement "E" tail looks accurate in outline and is cast perfectly in cream coloured resin. The tail is moulded in one piece, with the rudder in line with the tail. The fabric treatment of the resin rudder is superior to the somewhat simplified kit representation. There is virtually no cleanup required as the mould plug is inserted in the back of the kit fuselage. Crisp slots are moulded to help secure the kit's horizontal tail surfaces, and the recessed tailwheel well features a deep locating hole for the tailwheel strut.

The unmodified AMT P-40K kit fuselage actually features the long tail making it possible to build a P-40M with only minor modifications (principally the vent on the forward cowls). The only problem with adopting this option is a truly horrible step at the rear fuselage. The simplest course of action, even if the modeller wanted to build a P-40M, is probably to cut off the tail and reposition. The tail must be cut off anyway if the modeller is building the P40K, so there is no additional work required adapting the P.S. conversion to the AMT kit.

I have already cut the tail off an AMT P-40K kit to test fit this simple conversion.

I found that cutting the tail off along the panel line suggested by AMT's instructions results in a narrow gap between the cut and P.S. Model's replacement tail. The modeller has the option of cutting about 1mm aft of the panel line, or filling the gap with Milliput or similar. I'll probably take the latter course, as the big step behind the panel line on the AMT kit's fuselage would be tougher to deal with.

A better option may be to use the Mauve P-40M kit as the donor for the P-40E conversion. I have cut the tail off one of these kits too, and the fit is almost perfect. Don't forget to fill those forward cowl vents though!

The P-40F/L tail suits AMT's P-40F kit. It is also moulded perfectly with almost no cleanup required.

These are two good quality, simple conversions that address one of the weakest areas of the AMT kits. Replace the wheels and exhausts and you'll have a great looking P-40E or long-tailed P-40F/L in 1/48 scale.

P.S. Model Parts are available from North American Hobbies Website.

Thanks to Steve from North American Hobbies for the sample.

Review Copyright © 1999 by Brett Green
Page Created 16 February, 1999
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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