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M116 (Mk 77 Mod-0)
Napalm Bombs

Cutting Edge Modelworks



S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number and Description: CEC48171 M116 (Mk 77 Mod-0) Napalm Bombs
Scale: 1/48 scale
Contents and Media: 8 parts in dark grey resin
Price: USD $12.99
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: Superbly detail; up to Cutting Edge's best standards
Disadvantages: No specific usage suggestions
Recommendation: Recommended 

Reviewed by Rodger Kelly

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor Productions


F i r s t   L o o k


Cutting Edge set CEC48171 provides the modeller with two 1/48 scale M116 (Mk 77 Mod-0) Napalm Bombs.

The header card states that they were used by "many '50's and '60's aircraft" but I have to confess that I do not know a great deal about exactly what aircraft these bombs were carried on or where they were used, so I will confine my comments to a description of the parts.

The set is moulded in the familiar mid-grey resin used by Cutting Edge and consists of two bodies with pointed nose cones and separate fuses. The surface detail of the parts are superb and will stand out well after a light wash.

All parts are up to the standard that we have become accustomed to and expect from Cutting Edge. There is no flash or pinholes evident on any of the parts.


Thanks to Meteor Productions for the review sample. 


Cutting Edge Resin Accessories are available from Meteor Productions Website

Review Copyright © 2000 by Rodger Kelly
Page Created 15 November, 2000
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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