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MV Magazine


S u m m a r y

Publishers’ Details:

Published by MV Magazine, North House, North Side, Patrington, East Yorkshire HU12 OPB. On line at: www.argonet.co.uk/users/chevy

Contents and Media:

A4 format on very good quality matt paper. 44 pages


£3-60 per issue or £ 22-00 for 6 issues available on subscription UK

Review Type:

Magazine FirstLook


Good pictures, nice reference source





Reviewed by Ian Sadler


F i r s t L o o k


The magazine under review is M V Magazine.

This magazine published in A 4 portrait and on very good quality matt paper. It has 44 pages. The quality of the photographs is very good to superb. It is published bi-monthly.

This magazine is aimed at the military enthusiast and restorer, not at model makers. Even so, modellers will gain a great deal of information its articles and photographs.

So just what do you get for your money? A magazine that is building into a very good library of information about Military vehicles and markings etc.

To illustrate this I have picked out several of the articles in this edition.

  • The Bandiana Army Museum - what a scoop! Three pages of original photos of the exhibits.

  • Trailers One Ton - two wheeled FV 2400 series. This is another first. I have never seen an article on this important post war trailer.

  • Lastly, Tanks for the Memory - the recovery of a Churchill Tank for restoration (static) to be placed on a memorial at Esquay, Notre Dame in France.

The rest of the magazine is made up of reader's comments on what is found when restoring vehicles and asking for information and articles covering the champ restoration and jeep and many others.

Lastly advertisements covering all sorts of vehicles and this is proving invaluable as a record of just what vehicles are preserved not only in the UK but world-wide.


C o n c l u s i o n


I recommend this magazine to all those who have an interest in Military vehicles, be they restorers or model makers.

It is developing into a very informative and useful library on softskinned vehicles with the odd tanks or two.

I recommend it.

Price per issue is £3-60 and £ 22-00 for 6 issues available on subscription UK for those world wide contact the editor on line for latest prices for you part of the world, this is a review sample kindly sent in by the editor Mr Nick Bullock, many thanks to him.

Ian Sadler

Review Copyright © 2000 by Ian Sadler
Page Created 04 October, 2000
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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