MODEL expert MILITARY SERIES Vol 1 Periscopio Publications
Reviewed by Al Bowie
When the Editor mentioned that this magazine had a couple of Sherman articles, I jumped at the chance to review it. Having now seen the magazine in more detail, I can say my initial enthusiasm was well founded.
The publication features a high quality printing throughout and has a heavy cardboard glossy cover enclosing 83 pages packed with modelling and reference subjects. Apart from the Publishers advertisement on the opening pages there are no other ads within. The 83 pages represent good value for your modelling dollar. I could find little fault with any of the English text, even considering the Greek origins of the magazine. The magazine features modelling articles on the following 1/35 scale subjects:
In summary, this is a great magazine with a good balance of subjects presented in diorama and stand-alone form , backed up with useful reference shots. I am at a loss to explain the reference value of including Sherman M4A4 photos when no kit of one was featured but appreciated them none the less. I was pleasantly surprised that all the models featured did not appear familiar from the many excellent armour related websites currently online.
Model Expert Vol 1 appears to be an excellent new and high quality addition to the genre and is recommended to modellers of 1/35 scale armour. I was quite impressed by this publication and will be looking forward to further volumes. Recommended Thanks to Stelios Demiras from Periscopo Publications for the review sample. Publisher's Information Periscopo Publications are available from, or postage-free (by Air Mail) worldwide by addressing enquiries to via email to, or by Credit Card or Money Order to: Stavros Panelis, Tel/Fax + 01 382 1985 Review Copyright © 2002 by
Al Bowie