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Reviewed by Brett Green
CMK's L-39 Albatros Exterior Set comprises 29 resin parts and a small photoetched fret. Resin parts include a very impressive one-piece wheel well, ailerons, flaps, elevators and rudder. Gear doors and small aerials are also included. Parts are perfectly cast in CMK's customary green/grey resin. The parts are cast onto resin block via thin strips. These should be very simple to remove and clean up. The set is labelled as a conversion. I assume that this refers to the amount of cutting that has to be done to MPM's donor kit, and not a change of aircraft identity. The kit flaps, ailerons, actuators, rudder and wheel well must be removed for this "conversion". Although none of these parts will be a real challenge to an experienced modellers, care should be taken when cutting these sections away. This is quite a thorough set with a few thoughtful features. The flaps include internal structural detail, and the rudder includes a narrow strip for the back of the fin with "hinge" detail. This will simplify the task of positioning the rudder. The horizontal tail surfaces are totally replaced, including separate elevators and trim tabs. CMK's L-39 Exterior Set will certainly result in a more detailed Albatros! Recommended. Thanks to Squadron for the review sample.
Review Copyright © 2001 by Brett