KV Family Tracks
Unknown Brand
The accessory under review is the Tracks for the KV series of Tanks in 1/35 scale. I have very little information about the manufacturer as no clue is provided in or on the box apart from "MW A302". The box also declares that these are "Tracks Complect Soviet Heavy Tanks KV-1 KV-2, KV-8, and KV-14". A single sheet of paper for the instructions is misleading as it implies the tracks are link and length. In fact, they are separate links. The set comprises 200 individual track links with a little flash, but each link does have a ejector pin mark on the reverse side. It should be no hardship to fill them. I started by cleaning up 15 links then test fitting them. Apart from having to resort to the file, they fitted fairly well. Your opinion of these tracks will really depend on how much time you are prepared to spend on cleaning up.
Close examination shows the face of the track plate reveal a very faint casting effect as per the original track plate. Note that you will have to do some research as these tracks have a guide horn on every link. Not all the KV series used these. Some had alternate horn and flat link. Even so, it will be easy to cut of the unwanted guide horns. I obtained these tracks from F&F Models at Dept (MM) ,44 Bretby road, Newhall, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE 11 0LJ, Tel /Fax +4401283 550421, email John.Burrows@virgin.net , for the price of £5-85 per set plus p&p.. For the price they are very good, so much so I have ordered an other 4 sets from John at F&F. Highly recommended and I look forward to more tracks from this company. Review Copyright © 2000 by Ian Sadler