In Detail Part 2 Frantisek Koran and Jan Mostek
Reviewed by Ian Sadler
Published in the familiar style and A4 landscape format now established by this prolific publisher, this book has 36 pages full of 124 outstanding colour photographs of a ground-up restoration on a M38 A1 or M 606 A2.
The publisher has, in a very short space of time, set new and exciting standards not only in the selection of subjects but also the presentation and delivery of what we as modelmakers require. As a bonus, they are available at a very good price. This is reflected in the fact that, all ready several of the previous titles are now sold out and are to be reissued shortly. In conclusion, if you have a M38 A1 Jeep and you need help in your restoration then this book will undoubtedly be a great aid. Equally if you have the Skybow kit then this will turn a very good model into a showstopper. Get yours now and avoid disappointment. Very highly recommended to all those interested in the M38 series of vehicles. Many thanks to the Editor Franti for the advanced copy for review.
Review Copyright © 2000 by Ian Sadler