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Henschel Hs 129 In Action

by Dénes Bernád

Color by Don Greer
Illustrated by Andrew Probert & Richard Hudson



Squadron/Signal Publications


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: Aircraft Number 176
ISBN: 0-89747-428-7
Media: Soft cover, landscape format, 50 pages plus covers (incl. 2 centre pages with colour profiles).
Price: US$8.46 from Squadron.com
Review Type: First Read
Advantages: Around 100 photos, plus many useful scrap-view drawings and ten colour profiles; chronological coverage of variants; Operational coverage in the east and the west, North Africa and in Rumanian service
Recommendation: Recommended.


Reviewed by Brett Green


F i r s t   L o o k


Following an inauspicious beginning with poor pilot visibility, cramped cockpit, poor handling and low engine performance, the Henschel Hs 129 eventually emerged to become a successful ground-support and anti-tank weapon. It was a tough, hard-working aircraft that was capable of absorbing significant damage. In addition to their direct impact, the Hs 129 also made a major contribution to the morale of Axis ground troops.

Denes Bernad is a respected researcher into Rumanian and Luftwaffe history. His text is clear and concise, providing background to the initial production, a brief description of each major variant, followed by a summary of the operational record of the Hs 129 on the Eastern Front, the Western Desert and in Rumanian service.

In common with other Squadron "In Action" books, the 50 pages are jammed with helpfully captioned photographs - around 100 in all. The scrap-view drawings of aircraft details, armament and variants are also useful. The centrefold comprises ten colour profiles representing a wide variety of colour schemes and markings.

This is an excellent, compact and economical reference for variants and operations of the Henschel Hs 129.


Thanks to Squadron for the review sample.

Hs 129 in Action is available online from Squadron.com

Review Copyright © 2001 by Brett Green
This Page Created on 02 August, 2001
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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