Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9
J. Rutman Productions
Reviewed by Tony Oliver
If it is Jerry Rutman’s intention to provide the Focke-Wulf
enthusiast with the means to produce every version of the Wurger and its
variants, then this latest conversion set is another step closer to
large scale Fw190 world domination! Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:
The only drawback to this set is the joint of the new resin tail assembly to the kit fuselage. In itself this is no big deal but a sound way of locating the unit would have made alignment of the tail easier. (A possible solution to this is to provide a bulkhead at the rear of the kit fuselage to join the resin tail and to provide a solid joint). Included in the set are replacement wheel wells, resin wingspar/firewall
and a set of late pattern treaded wheels alongside the essential
trademarks of the Dora such as the Jumo supercharger intake and the
separate AJA180L oil cooler. Smaller details are there too with the
auxiliary air intake scoop on the top of the gun trough cowling along
with separate exhaust stub ends to replicate the welded originals. To large scale ‘Doraphiles’ everywhere this one is mandatory, and
what better way to rejuvenate that old Airfix 190. A Fw190D-11 and the ultimate Doa, a D-13 are now also available to
add to this 190 family . Have a look at Jerry’s listings on
web pages for more detail, or contact Jerry at: The full range of J. Rutman's kits and accessories may be viewed and ordered from his new website at http://jrutman.playnet.com/ Review and Images Copyright © 2002 by
Tony Oliver