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Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9
Conversion Set


J. Rutman Productions


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S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: Not quoted
Scale: 1/24
Contents and Media: 42 parts in cream-coloured resin; one sheet of etched details
Price: USD$80.00 from J. Rutman productions (email enquiries)
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: Spectacular and large conversion; accurate outline; high quality casting; includes many improvement items including wheels and new wheel well..
Disadvantages: DIY reinforcement of empennage/tail required.
Recommendation: Recommended


Reviewed by Tony Oliver




If it is Jerry Rutman’s intention to provide the Focke-Wulf enthusiast with the means to produce every version of the Wurger and its variants, then this latest conversion set is another step closer to large scale Fw190 world domination!

Quality and value are now bywords for Rutman Products and if you’ve used any of Jerry’s resin sets before, then you’ll need no introduction to the fact that this latest detail set is up to standards.
The set is designed to convert Airfix’s big scale A-5, into an accurate portrayal of the Fw190D-9.

Comprising forty two resin parts and a sheet of etched details, the set is a well thought out solution to producing the Dora-9 in resin and scales out accurately to published drawings. Following the prototype in its design, the set replaces the fuselage forward of the bulkhead firewall with a three piece cowling and adds the revised tail empennage to compensate the increase in fuselage area.

Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:


The only drawback to this set is the joint of the new resin tail assembly to the kit fuselage. In itself this is no big deal but a sound way of locating the unit would have made alignment of the tail easier. (A possible solution to this is to provide a bulkhead at the rear of the kit fuselage to join the resin tail and to provide a solid joint).

Included in the set are replacement wheel wells, resin wingspar/firewall and a set of late pattern treaded wheels alongside the essential trademarks of the Dora such as the Jumo supercharger intake and the separate AJA180L oil cooler. Smaller details are there too with the auxiliary air intake scoop on the top of the gun trough cowling along with separate exhaust stub ends to replicate the welded originals.

This set requires some major surgery to the donor kit and although the set is not designed for novice modellers, some experience of working with resin and multimedia is advised, they do score over the ‘all inclusive’ sets in that they allow the modeller enough space to still be creative. The resulting 24th scale Dora dwarfs the alternative large scale injection moulded alternatives and will make an impressive addition to any large scale collection.

To large scale ‘Doraphiles’ everywhere this one is mandatory, and what better way to rejuvenate that old Airfix 190.

As if all this wasn’t enough Jerry Rutman has just announced that the follow up Fw190 conversions in 24th scale are now ready.

A Fw190D-11 and the ultimate Doa, a D-13 are now also available to add to this 190 family . Have a look at Jerry’s listings on LargeScalePlanes web pages for more detail, or contact Jerry at:


The full range of J. Rutman's kits and accessories may be viewed and ordered from his new website at http://jrutman.playnet.com/

Review and Images Copyright © 2002 by Tony Oliver
Page Created 17 January, 2002
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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