F-4 Phantom Jet
'Late Style'

S u m m a r y
Number: |
48-CK-06 |
Scale: |
1/48 |
Contents and Media: |
6 castings in White resin. |
Price: |
USD 8-00 plus postage. |
Review Type: |
Accessory Review |
Advantages: |
Excellent castings with no air
bubbles or casting flaws. Definite improvement in detail and
appearance over kit parts. Well priced. |
Disadvantages: |
Recommendation: |
Recommended. |
Review by Dale Smith

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by
Recently I began the construction of Hasegawa's 1/48 scale kit of the
F-4J. It was during the separation of the parts from the sprues that I
noticed a lack of detail in the kit parts that were supplied to cover the
afterburner cans. The kit parts for this area were bland with no detail in
their interior, and were definitely in need of replacement or super
detailing. They just had to go!
Come to the rescue 'HyperScale'.
I placed an article in 'Plane Talking' as to the availability of some
replacement parts, and was recommended to try the 'Eagledesigns' range of
resin replacement items from Italy as well as a number of other suppliers.
After checking their website at
www.eagledesigns.50megs.com/home.html and contacting them direct, 2
weeks later I had in my hot little hands a set of the nicest burners for a
jet aircraft I have yet to see.
The jet exhausts come supplied in a small snap lock bag and are cast in
a white resin, with each exhaust supplied in 3 parts. The first part is
the turbine face, then comes the afterburner area, followed by the
variable nozzles. Molding plugs on each part are minimal and easily
sanded/removed. The variable nozzles were separated from the molding plugs
with an 'Exacto' razor saw, and then cleaned up with a small amount of
gentle rubbing on some 240 grit sand/emery paper. The afterburner area
comes with the afterburner rings already cast as part of the molding, so
only a small amount of circular sanding, and some gentle cleaning up with
an 'Exacto' no.5 blade was all that was required. A handy hint from the
manufacturer is to place a small timber dowel inside this part when
sanding to keep the afterburner ring flat against the sanding surface and
reduce the risk of breakage. If like myself, you cannot find a piece of
suitably sized dowel, just sand carefully, checking repeatedly and you
should be OK. Only a minimal amount of sanding was performed or needed on
the reverse side of the turbine faces. These 3 pieces then glue together
with superglue, and thats about it. Oh, you will need to paint the
interiors as well before gluing. I painted my set with Gunze Steel, and
then dry brushed them with a little silver and some very light grey and
the detail stood out perfectly. After they dry properly, I'll probably put
on a dark wash of a dark grey or black, to give them some depth, and that
will be about it.
detail that is supplied on these castings is superb. All of the parts are
cast very cleanly, with no deformities or casting flaws, and no air
bubbles were present. All in all, these items are very well manufactured.
Check out the scan of the parts that is supplied with this review and
there is also some pictures of the sets on the manufacturers website.
These jet exhausts come in 2 versions for both the early (F-4 B,C/D
etc) and late (F-4 E,F,G,J etc) styles. The early style is suggested for
the Monogram kit with the late style suggested for the Hasegawa offerings.
I'm fairly sure that either version could be utilised , irrespective of
the kit used with only a small amount of fitting. An added bonus is that
they can also be used for F-104s, and a set will do 2 aircraft, not one as
is the case with the F-4.
I purchased my sample from the manufacturer direct due to the fact that
no supplier is available in Australia, however they have advised that
supplies can be purchased from the following outlets.
USA: Victory Models at
Canada: The Old Soldier at
The Netherlands: Luchtvaart Hobby Shop at
Singapore: MyAirfix at
One point that surprised me, and I clarified it with the manufacturer,
is that the sets come with no instructions or painting tips. The set is so
simple, that really no instructions are needed, and in most cases, the
modeller will most probably have reference photos of the aircraft or the
jet exhaust areas for painting. It also ensures that costs are kept down.
A small bit of info on painting colours and basic preparation may have
helped the more junior or inexperienced modellers amongst us.
This set is the first I have purchased from this manufacturer, but I am
very impressed with these items and look forward to having them fitted to
the F-4J I am in the process of doing. They provide a huge increase in
detail over the kit supplied parts, and are simple to prepare for use. Now
if I can just scape up a little bit more money into the modelling fund to
purchase a few more sets for my other F-4 and F-104 kits........
Review sample supplied
courtesy of my wallet. Many thanks also to Luca at 'Eagledesigns' for his
patience with my order and my many questions.
Review Copyright © 2002 by
Dale Smith
Page Created 12 August, 2001
Last updated
22 July, 2003
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