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Seats Cutting Edge
Reviewed by Brett Green
Cutting Edge's ejection seats share the same high quality casting and crisp detail as their detail sets and other accessories. Harnesses, cushions (although the cushion is not included on the Skyray seat), piping and rails are all moulded on, but ejection pull handles are not included. There were no moulding imperfections on my samples at all. The seats are cast as a single piece onto a fairly chunky block. A razor saw will be required to carefully remove the seats. The MB Mk.2 seat applies to the Attacker, Canberra, CF-100, Hunter, Javelin, Meteor, Swift, Venom and Wyvern. The MB Mk.4 applies to the Alpha Jet, Buccaneer, Canberra, MB-326; G-91, Hunter, Jet Provost, Lightning, Mirage V, Scimitar, Sea Venom and Sea Vixen. A number of these subjects will require two seats. No instructions are supplied - not surprising for a single-piece accessory. However, it would be nice to have a painting guide included.
Cutting Edge's 1/48 scale ejection seats live up to the high standards of their other resin parts. These seats will be a worthwhile and prominent accessory for any modeller working on the subject models. Thanks to Meteor Productions for the review sample Cutting Edge Modelworks Resin Replacement Seats are available from Meteor Productions Website Review and Images Copyright © 2000 by Brett