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Eagles Illustrated
Allies in the Pacific




Eagle Editions


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: EI#2
ISBN: 0-9660706-6-6
Media: Soft cover, landscape format, full colour, 44 pages including covers.
Price: US$18.95 
Review Type: First Read
Advantages: Wide variety of aircraft and schemes; scrap-view supplementary drawings where helpful; great modelling inspiration; beautiful quality artwork; good value.
Disadvantages: No Australian subjects! (but this is my personal bias only)
Recommendation: Highly Recommended.


Reviewed by Brett Green


F i r s t   L o o k


"Eagles Illustrated #2" continues Tom Tullis' quest to provide mouth-watering inspiration for modellers and aviation enthusiasts. This second volume focuses on fighter aircraft from the US, New Zealand and the American Volunteer Group operating in the Asia Pacific region. 

The types depicted are P-40 Tomahawks, P-51Ds, F4U Corsairs, F4F Wildcats and P-38 Lightnings. Modellers can be confident that kits of all of these types are available in 1/48 and 1/72 scale, so the inspiration will have an outlet in styrene. There is ample variety of colour schemes and markings, and quite a few specific subjects are already available on existing decal sheets.

As discussed in the review of "Eagles Illustrated #1", Tom Tullis' aviation artwork is amongst the best in the business. Tom combines a commitment to accuracy in outline and colours with a deft feel for light and shadow, and a keen eye for detail. The result is a series of beautiful profiles that work both as fine art; and as an accurate, useful reference for scale aircraft modellers.

The layout of the book is identical to the first volume. The landscape format permits two aircraft to be depicted on each page. The colour pictures run almost the full width of the page. Most are around 10" long. Captions are brief but helpful. The common format for all captions comprise the aircraft type, pilot, date and unit (when known), a few sentences covering history; colour notes and references.

EI#2 is great value at US$18.95. 

The next book in the series will be "Guardians of the Reich". This will be a must for all Luftwaffe fans. The absence of Australian and British subjects can also lead us to hope for a second instalment of Pacific Allies sometime in the fuure.

Highly Recommended.

Eagle Illustrated books are available from Eagle Editions Website or Hobby Retailers.

Thanks to Judy at Eagle Editions for the sample.

Review Copyright © 2000 by Brett Green
This Page Created on 31 January, 2001
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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