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B-25 Corrected Cowls
(Late Style)


Cutting Edge


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number and Price: CE48224 $15.95 USD 
Scale: 1/48
Contents and Media: Two parts in grey resin
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Well detailed; accurate.
Disadvantages: Requires careful cleaning up and poor fit to kit part
Recommendation: Recommended


Reviewed by Don Fenton

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor Productions


F i r s t L o o k


The majority of B-25's were factory equipped or retro-fitted with an exhaust stack installation on each engine cylinder exhaust port called the Clayton "S" stack. This installation featured an engine cowling studded with fairings to cover the stacks as they penetrated the engine cowling. The Cutting Edge B-25 Corrected Cowlings (Late) Set, #CE48224, provides very nicely molded representations of this style of cowling.

The engine cowlings of the Accurate Miniatures G Model Conversion Set and the pre-release B-25C/D kit share the same problems as those in the AM B-25B kit. These cowlings are a little short, slightly ovoid and have an inlet opening too small in diameter. 

If you are bothered by these problems or are seeking to build a more accurate B-25C, D or G version, the CE Late Style Cowlings provide the correct length, inlet diameter and circular cross section. Another up side is the molding of the "S" stack exhaust pipe within each individual cowl fairing. 

On the down side, the CE cowlings do not quite fit the AM backing plate. When the CE cowlings and the AM parts are mated together, a slight step or mismatch in outside diameter occurs. This is the result of the AM part being ovoid while the CE cowling is circular. The mismatch is slight and can be ignored. The kit parts can be adapted to fix the mismatch, if you are so inclined.

Careful work with a razor saw, file and sand paper on a flat is required to remove the unwanted excess resin gate at the rear of the cowlings. The rearmost exhaust fairings are very close to the desired rear edge of the cowling.

Recommended for those wanting to correct the problems with the Accurate Miniatures engine cowlings.

Cutting Edge Modelworks Resin accessories are available at Meteor Productions Website

Review and Image Copyright © 2000 by Don Fenton
Page Created 29 October, 2000
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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