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Arado Ar 234
Cockpit Update Preview


Cutting Edge Modelworks


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number and Description: CEC48406 Ar 234B Super Detailed Cockpit for Hasegawa.
Scale: 1/48
Contents and Media: TBA
Price: TBA
Review Type: Preview
Advantages: TBA
Disadvantages: TBA
Recommendation: TBA


HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor Productions




The photo for this set does not include the acetate sheet for the instruments because they're not back from the printer yet.

Modelers should note that the NASM's Ar 234B is missing quite a few parts and instruments. Cutting Edge started by photographing the entire interior of this jet, then went to the D.Luft. technical manuals and original photos of German-flown jets and recently captured Allied jets. Quite a few differences were found!

Hasegawa has actually done a fairly good job on the cockpit for this kit, so the Cutting Egde set requires you to sand off the console details, replace them with resin parts, and add a ton of stuff left out. A new seat with cast-on harness is also included.

Thanks to Meteor Productions for the preview pictures and information.

Cutting Edge Modelworks accessories are available online from Meteor Productions website

Images Copyright by © Meteor Productions
Page Created 26 August, 2002
Last updated 22 July, 2003

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