Sd. Kfz. 251 in Polish Museums
by Janusz Ledwoch
by Ian Sadler
This book is published
on very high quality gloss paper in a new format of A4 landscape. It contains 85 colour
photographs with 91 black and white photographs. It also has two pages of full
1/35 scale plan; and finally two pages of full colour illustrations. Captions are kept to
the bare minimum and are in English. The quality of the
photographs is outstanding. The author has captured just about every detail for
the model maker or the lucky few restorers. The book deals
specifically with the Sd. Kf. 251D and covers those in Polish Museums and the
one sunk in the river Pelica in January 1945 and recovered in March 1989. The photographic narrative takes you step by step around the build up of a 251, starting with a general walk around, engine, chassis, wheels and tracks, interior, then a section of close up details.
This book sets new
standards for vehicle enthusiasts, restorers and model makers. Like its main
rival WWP of the Czech Republic, this publisher is carving a niche in the
magazine world. It fills a gap in the history of this vehicle. The author is to be
congratulated on his understanding of what is required by model makers,
historians/ restorers. He has captured many tiny detail and made it available in
a single volume. This book should find a
place on every model makers reference shelf and rightly deserves its place. It
will be used time and time again and will in time become the standard by which
others are measured. I recommend it very
highly. Go out and buy your now. Ian Sadler Review Copyright © 2000 by Ian